Kamis, 11 Juni 2015


haaay sahabat ditaraa .. pada edisi blog hari ini dita bakal kenalin temen-temen seperjuangan selama dita kuliah . dari yang nggak kenal jadi kenal , dari yang nggak deket jadi deket dan dari yang nggak pernah main bareng jadi sering main bareng , siapa lagi kalau bukan kelas tercinta S1SI06 .

 foto kita saat awal awal perkuliahan dimulai 

 nah ini dia penilaian dita terhabat teman-teman SI06 yang dita kenal selama ini dr semester 1 - semester 6 .. Check this Out ;) ;

Rio Ade Putra

nah yang satu ini namanya babang "Rio Ade Putra" temen2 kelas biasa menyapa rio dengan sebutan si gondes ahaha . tapi maksudnya gondhes itu bukannya alay apa gimana ya gays , tetapi rio ini dulunya memiliki rambut yang gondrong abis , yang kegantengannya memiliki kesamaan dengan rizal ARMADA wkwkw. jadi deh dipanggil gondhes "gondrong ndeso". 

hahaha tuh kan liat deh . mana yang rio hayo hehehehe . 
rio ini orangnya baik , dewasa sih kayaknya , cuman terlau serius orangnya hihi jadi suka garing sendiri deh kalo misalkan ngelawak depan dia eh nggak lucu , yaudah ketawa sendiri aja hihihi.

 Putri Hardiani 

witssss ada ibu jeruk disini hehehe soalnya pake orens2 sih , seger banget diliatnya.
nah ini salah satu teman dekatku dan bisa dibilang sahabatku hehe.
sapaan akrab dikelasnya demput hehe dan kita akhir2 ini punya sapaan akrab buat si dia , yaitu "paus" hahaha mau tau kenapa ? rahasia hihihihi

demput ini orangnya jutek abis, kadang suka sebel sendiri aku hehe peace putt.. tapi anaknya baik kok, seru , tapi pelit wkwkwkw tapi kalo banyak duit dia suka traktir aku es teh wkwkw *tapi bohong.
aku kalo dah main ama dia pasti ketawa mulu, soalnya kita punya genre komedi yang sama wkwkw , kita bisa ngetawain hal-hal yang garing jadi hal yang lucu hahaha . pokoknya kalo main berdua aja ama ni anak , udah kayak main sama anak satu RT . 
Thanks demput sudah menjadi teman yang terbaik yaa walaupun sering banget nyebelin :P


helllooo kakak cantik dan kakak kembaranku wkwkwkw . soalnya banyak banget yang bilang aku ama erin ini mirip . sumpah deh nggak bohong , tp cantikan kak erin hehehehe . 
kakak cantik nan manis yang satu ini tetep dipanggil ERIn kalo dikelas hehe kadang dipanggil ala unyu gitu ein ein... hihihi 

Erin selama yang aku kenal ini orangnya baik, ramah , manis .. soalnya giginya gingsul gitu , pengeeeen hihihihih . dan erin ini jago banget merangkai kata yang bijak . bagaikan bang Zafrand pemain 5cm . pokoknya menjadikan sebuah kata kata yang indah menjadi kata yang memotivasi dan bener banget dengan apa yang kita alamin selama kita hidup , widiiihhhh .. 

Tiffani Handayani

nah kakak yang satu ini nggak kalah cantiknya ehehe . tapi emang sih cewek SI06 cantik cantik(dihhh pede banget yaa ). 
langsUng aja yaa , tifani ini anaknya baek juga , terus bawel juga hihihi mungkin yang belom kenal banget sama tifani bakal bilang tifani pendiem apa jutek, soalnya aku pernah nyangkanya gtu .. eh ternyata bawel juga hihihi . nah aku tau tiffany bawel tuh waktu awal aku ama jadi annoucer BOIM di kampus hehe . 
kita berdua udh jadi langganan kampus buat jadi announcer hehe. dari yang gugup waktu first time di acara boim sampe yang bener2 udah biasa jadi announcer di acara boim hehehe . terima kasih temen seperjuangan announcer hehehehe

Fatimah Muthmainah 

eits eits eits ada mba cantik lagi ni ehehehehe
tp mba cantik yang satu ini rada-rada kecowo2an ahaha. ya gimana ga kecowo2an , hal-hal yang biasanya dilakuin cowok dia bisa semua . contohnya main PES wkwkw . itu kan salah satu gamenya cowok2. ya emang bisa sih dimainin ama cewek. tapi kan jarang banget gitu hehe .
Ema anaknya tuh seru , gokil , baik banget .. kalo kita ada kesulitan dalam mata kuliah apa gitu ,ema pasti mau bantu. satu hal yang aku inget dia oernah bantu kelompok aku waktu presentasi sistem penunjang keputusan hihihi.

Fitri Nur Rohman

helllooo teteh fitri .. hahaha namanya unik sih "fitri". nah nama ini ni yang suka mengecoh dosen saat melakukan pengecekan absensi . soalnya dikelas juga ada yang namanya vitria , jadi suka bingung deh yang dimaksud fitri yang mana hehehe .
nah aku sama rohman jujur nggak terlalu deket hehe jadi aku hanya bisa menilai kak rohman tu baik hehehe terus rohman ni pendiem sih , kak rohman jangan diem aja dong hihihihih .

Apri Setia Budi

widihh tatapannya serem banget . tapi tatapannya ga seserem hatinya loh hehehe .
apri ini suka banget manggil temen2nya dengan sebutan mas bro atau mba bro , atau nggak mas brokoli atau mbak brokoli . unik yaaa ? hehehe
apri ini orangnya easy going banget , kalo dibawa kemana-mana oke oke aja dan asik hehe . apri ini salah satu pengamat fashion anak2 sekarang loh hehe. kadang aku suka dikasih masukan gimana style yang bagus dan style yang lagi in sekarang.. dan apri ini juga fotografer yang keren banget , suka bettdah sama karya foto dia.apriii sukses terus ya bro !!!!!!

Eko Sang Gitaris

hay ekoooooooo .....
yes kakak yang satu ini adalah kakak yang diem2 mengejutkan. dibalik sifatnya yang pendiam itu ternyata kakak ini adalah rocker men hehe . kak yang satu ini seneng banget sama lagu2 yang ber-genre METALLLLL. liat aja namanya "eko sang gitaris" nah dah dijamin dah main gitarnya tak perlu diragukan......
sekarang kalo eko maju ke depan kelas pastideh temen2 yang lain pada nyorakin eko wkwkwkw famaous banget kan di SI06 . nah yang kayak gini ni yang dinamakan diam2 menghanyutkan. dibalik sosoknya yang pendiam , ternyata menyimpan banyak kejutan , lanjut terus ko hehehhe.


Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Legend Cafe Yogyakarta

yes, who do not know.  the center of his children hanging gays in yogyakarta. 
here is not just eating or drinking ditara friends, but There are many facilities such as wifi, X-Box, Nintendo Wii, billiard, jumbo carom, cards, dart games, pin ball, soccer table, air hockey and sky ball. Visitors will be pampered and feel at home hanging linger with these games facilities.

This is located at Jl. Abu Bakar Ali No. 24 new city of Yogyakarta. Consists of indoor and outdoor cafe that aims to provide an option for visitors who want to enjoy the fresh air, or who want to enjoy the games, yet the very strategic location in the heart of Yogyakarta, the New Town area.

<< well .. we voyeur   lagend cafe at night

besides lagend cafe also sometimes bring indie band yogya gays, but always there at night gays are "Acoustic Night Legend Coffee"

if asked about food or drink, lagend cafe has a taste and a friendly price ni gays. do not be afraid of playing into lagend cafe yes gays hehehehhe 

there is available to lovers ranging from:
* Coffee (for coffee lovers and you are really fit for duty to accompany you)
* Snack (for you are more diet)
* SODA & SQUASH (for you are dehydrated and need to drink cold)
* CHOCOLATE (for those of you who try to fatten the body gays) and,
* TEA (for those of you who like the same sweet, tea fit for you)

" so .. come yes at lagenddd :D :D :D "

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Tempat Nongkrong yang asik di Yogyakarta


Okey gays this time ditaraa would love information about Yanga cool hangout in Yogyakarta. The Persecution yaps ..

probably still a few who do not know this place where ya. so, where is it in the stadium Kridosono, near the pool anyway.

because this place tongkrongannya young children, so Persecution is open around 17.00 to finish dong hahaha.

menu available disinipun also somewhat unique really, there are fried noodles can dikombinasiin same cheese, no toast too, no coffee, iced tea, lemon tea and others. gays do not worry about the price, very fitting for the student pocket gays ni hehehe. here is not only available but also tables of food is also available toys that make you feel at home there hehe. and location also make really cool loh hahaha selfi2

 so, let ga deh curious hunted there. where ga seserem gays name anyway: D

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Estonia Vs England Team Line

Every game needs a good strategy . and the strategy includes a good arrangement to enable the beautifulgame.                                                                                                                                  Here The composition of Estonian players who will play against England Euro 2016 Qualifying match Group E at the Stadium Le Coq Arena , Tallin , in a few moments .                              Estonia : 1 - Sergei Pareiko ; 17 - enar Jaager , 4 - Igor Morozov , 15 - Ragnar Klavan , 19 - Artur Pikk ; Ilja Antonov - 16 , 14 - Konstantin Vassiljev , 18 - Karol Mets , 13 - Martin Vunk , 10 - Sergei Zenjov ; 8 - Henri Anier Coach : Magnus Pehrsson England : 1 - Joe Hart ; 2 - Calum Chambers , 5 - Gary Cahill , Phil Jagielka - 6 , 3 - Leighton Baines ; 4 - Jordan Henderson , 7 - Jack Wilshere , 8 - Fabian Delph ; 11 - Adam Lallana ; 9 - Danny Welbeck , 10 - Wayne Rooney Coach : Roy Hodgson Referee : Marijo Strahonja ( Croatia )

San Antonio Spurs conquered the German Club

NBA championship last season , the San Antonio Spurs had to accept defeat in his first match against German club , Alba Berlin , Wednesday ( 8/10 ) evening local time Thursday morning GMT . Forward Alba , James McLean victory with his own star a shot that went just as the buzzer sounded mark the game was over . Before McLean , Reggie Redding opens Alba hopes to win after a three-pointer shot went into the ring when the Spurs last 5 seconds longer to catch up so stay by one point ( 92-93 ) . Alba became clear victory after they managed to steal the ball from the hands of Tim Duncan, who immediately passed to McLean and produced two beautiful victory points for Alba . " I just get the ball from Leon ( Radosevic ) then look at the clock and knew that I should be shot , " said McLean who played for several European clubs such as Xavier and Tulsa , as reported by the Boston Herald , Friday ( 10/10/2014 ) . " I did a few jumps while running and then fly to the ball . I saw it go in and it feels very happy to not know how to celebrate it , " he added . McLean total of 18 points and 10 rebounds for Alba which is a club with a record eight -time champion in the German League . Alba initially trailed by 16 points on the Spurs , but they continue to pursue and eventually won with a relentless spirit ,. In addition to McLean , Alba inappropriate thanked Alex Renfroe and Clifford Hammonds who both had 15 points that night . Redding added 12 points , 4 assists and 4 steals . In the stronghold Spurs , Tony Parker finished with the best basketball player scored 28 points . Tim Duncan and Kawhi Leonard also performed quite well . Duncan grabbed 14 points and 10 rebounds while Leonard had the same collection points . " The first match of the season , and we were a little bit stiff . We need to play more to improve performance , " said Manu Ginobili . Spurs will continue pramusimnya tour to Turkey . In Istanbul they will face six-time league champion Fenerbahce , Saturday, October 11 2014 ( FMH )

Greysia and Nita Couldn't be Present at the Denmark Open

JAKARTA - pairing Greysia Polii / Nitya Maheswari Krishinda have fix will miss competing in the Denmark Open Super Series Premier 2014 It was stated by the Head of Development and Performance PB PBSI , Rexy Mainaky .   Both pairs gold medalist at the 2014 Asian Games , was injured in his physique . So they certainly did not take part in the event held at the Danish Open the Odense city , on 14 to 19 October mendapatang .   " They ( Greysia / Nitya ) is in a state that is less than the maximum , so we decided they fail to appear in the Denmark Open Super Series , " said Rexy , as reported by Reuters on Thursday ( 10/09/2014 ) .   " They missed to keep their condition . If forced also would not be maximal results with physical conditions like this , "added the 46-year -old former player is .   Besides not Dihadirkannya Greysia / Nitya , Team Indonesia has also not issued a fix for its flagship men's singles player , Simon Santoso . Due to the condition of victory over 29-year -old has just recovered from a disease that is no stranger to the dengue fever .   " Simon is still not able to perform because of the condition of his stamina is still not 100 percent after receiving treatment for dengue fever he suffered , " said Rexy .   But the Red and White teams will rely on Hendra Setiawan / Mohammad Ahsan in men's doubles , and Tantowi Ahmad / Liliyana Natsir in the mixed doubles , men's singles while in Indonesian team is only reinforced by Tommy Sugiarto and Hayom Rumbaka